"Sorry for this basic question but I am just getting into the Amiga World with the Video Toaster and Lightwave 3D.
I was offered a great deal on an AMIGA 3000 and a toaster.
What am I going to miss in the 3000? I know the 4000 has the AGA chips but what will that do for me?
Thanks Earl"
Well, what CPU does the A3000 have? If it has a 68030, it will be significantly slower than an A4000 040. Try to get the full 16Megs of fast RAM. I've heard that the DRAM are becoming scarce and expensive.
With regard to the the AGA features, you'll really only miss two things. The Toaster DVEs will not be as good and you won't be able to get the anim playback through the Toaster.
However, I would still recommend that you get a 24bit card (Picasso II, etc.) for use with ADPro, ImageMaster, etc. if you get the A3000.
Good luck
--- The LightWave 3D Mailing List ---
Articles to: LightWave@bobsbox.rent.com | The NEW Graphics BBS
Requests to: LightWave-Request@bobsbox.rent.com | +1 908/469-0049
To: LightWave@bobsbox.rent.com (Mailinglist 'LightWave')
Subject: Re: Dynamic Motion Module
Status: RO
Yeah, at least your troubles, being identical to mine, lead me to believe
that the problem isn't with my copy. It's with the program itself. I guess
I'll send it back, too. Too bad I don't have 3DS so I could get an IPAS module, too. Although our university bookstore does have the educational version for
just $395. I'd buy it if they'd let me upgrade. They won't.
--- The LightWave 3D Mailing List ---
Articles to: LightWave@bobsbox.rent.com | The NEW Graphics BBS
Requests to: LightWave-Request@bobsbox.rent.com | +1 908/469-0049
I went home and tried rendering one frame from an animation that I was doing just the day before.
Here are my results:
Rendering frame 190 from a 270 frame animation.
Medium res, low antialiasing, adaptive set to16, no refraction
Saving as RGB. Should there be a difference in RGB vs. Framestore?
Render time 22 minutes
Rendering frame 190
High res, no antialiasing, no refraction
Saving as RGB
Render time 33 minutes.
I have been saving to Work: instead of the Par drive and then I convert the frames to the Par drive as a complete set. I didn't know if this would make a difference.
--- The LightWave 3D Mailing List ---
Articles to: LightWave@bobsbox.rent.com | The NEW Graphics BBS
Sub/Unsub to: LightWave-Request@bobsbox.rent.com | +1 908/469-0049
List Problems: LightWave-Admin@bobsbox.rent.com | 14.4K V.32bis Multi-line
On Mon, 28 Mar 1994 rcadwell@ndsuext.nodak.edu wrote:
> We have an extra 2000 around and was wondering if anyone has any
> ideas for networking it as an external hard drive for our Toaster
> 4000. Is this possible, and if so,...how. Thanks.
> Randy Cadwell
> NDSU Extension Communications
> Fargo,ND
> rcadwell@ndsuext.nodak.edu
> (701)237-7953
> .
> --- The LightWave 3D Mailing List ---
> Articles to: LightWave@bobsbox.rent.com | The NEW Graphics BBS
> Requests to: LightWave-Request@bobsbox.rent.com | +1 908/469-0049
> > The fastest, cheapest and easiest is to get on to Compuserve or Genie, etc. and look for a program called ParBench. This is the workbench installable version of ParNet. This will allow you to conn> ect your A2000 to any other Amiga via the serial po
rt. It will allow you to mount the icons from the "netted" computers on either or both workbenches. comp" comp
> >
> > I have used it an been very happy with it.
> >
> > Good luck.
> >
> > Matt
> >
> > PS The documentation included with ParBench will explain how to build the custom cable that is needed.
> >
> I 'm not in Compuserve and doubt if my company will pay for a
> membership. Anyway of getting this as a public domain program on a
> disc?
I can not understand why anyone would refer some to Compu-Serve or Genie
when they are already connected to the internet..
You best bet is to FTP to wuarchive.wustl.edu
The file you are looking for is more than likely in
If you cant find it there, try this
rlogin archie.sura.net -l archie
Once connected to the Archie server, enter "prog parnet"
Archie will then search it's database for every occurrance of parnet
and report back to you what it finds. It will tell you the
ftp site that the files is on and the directory that it lives in...
"Lightwave 3D it says that I can't play it back unless I've got a Toaster 4000. Is there a way to play it in the workbench with other software? Or must I create the RGB images and put them together somehow?"
There are several solutions ranging from about $50 to about $2500. It really depends on the quality that you need.
If you have a 24 bit display card, there is a program called Magic Lantern which claims 30 fps playback and nearly 24 color. Never having seen it, I'm not sure what it can do on a regular A3000 display.
Axiom software makes a program called AnimWorkshop that I have used. It does a pretty good job but on a non-AGA machine, you'll only get HAM playback. I don't think that HAM playback is good enough for even a good demo.
Then there is the PAR. I have used it. As well as many others, I can say that you'll get quite good results from this product. It is about $2500 for the card and the harddrive.
Once again, it all depends on the quality that you NEED. And the money you have! =8)
PS There are several PD anim playback programs. I have never used them so I better not comment on them.
--- The LightWave 3D Mailing List ---
Articles to: LightWave@bobsbox.rent.com | The NEW Graphics BBS
Sub/Unsub to: LightWave-Request@bobsbox.rent.com | +1 908/469-0049
List Problems: LightWave-Admin@bobsbox.rent.com | 14.4K V.32bis Multi-line
I think that you would be able to get the results that you're looking for by using a light envelope.
Select a light from your scene
In the Lights menu, you should be able to find a "e" for envelope by the intensity (sorry, I'm telling you all this from memory because I'm away from my Toaster).
You can adjust this envelope to go from any value to any other over a period of time (frames).
I hope this helps.
--- The LightWave 3D Mailing List ---
Articles to: LightWave@bobsbox.rent.com | The NEW Graphics BBS
Sub/Unsub to: LightWave-Request@bobsbox.rent.com | +1 908/469-0049
List Problems: LightWave-Admin@bobsbox.rent.com | 14.4K V.32bis Multi-line
From: The_Doctor@nesbbx.rain.com (Michel J. Brown)
To: LightWave@bobsbox.rent.com
Cc: LightWave@bobsbox.rent.com
Subject: Re: A3000 ???
Status: RO
In <Pine.3.89.9404080917.A15388-0100000@calvin.linfield.edu>,
Fred Crowell <fcrow@calvin.linfield.edu> writes:
> I was wondering what is involved in getting a Toaster 2.0 card into an
> A3000? No one responded to my last message so please someone write back
> if you get this one.
Well, with a shoehorn, some welding rod, and a little foam rubber you *can* do it. This
is an old story, but it still comes up every now and again. A friend of mine had this nice
little A3000/25 he wanted to put a Toaster into. OK, he figures, I have a video slot, and
the Toaster fits there, right? Well, on A2000's, maybe -- but for this to work on an
A3000 he had to do *major* surgery. First, he had to cut a *huge* hole in the back of
his case. Second, he had to bend his backplane so he could put some insulation over the pins on the back of the Toaster so they wouldn't short out against chassis ground.
And lastly, he needed to have *two* monitors (not for the switcher, as he was only
using the modeler -- lightwave), one for flicker free display, the other for lightwave.
Then he found out about the tiny power supply, and that it really can't support more
than a few cards, and all the drives (2 hard, 2 floppy), were just too much, so time for a
BigFoot 3000 (another $150). Then the fun began! As the Toaster doesn't multitask,
and takes over the computer, framestores have to be saved to the buffers, then to
disk. He would then use another product to convert the Toaster framestores to 24 bit
IFFs so he could use his FireCracker card to `touch up' the resulting render. For stills,
this would have sufficed, but with animations, forget it! He ended up getting an A4000
with Toaster 4000, and that cured a lot of his problems. The VT still doesn't multitask,
but it will now save to other formats, although you can only preview in framestore.
Alas, while the VT is a terrific tool, it needs a *lot* of support h/w and s/w to get it user
friendly. That is, you'll need hardware for the switcher side of things, and software for
the modeler. Nothings perfect, and the Toaster certainly has its weaknesses in many
areas, but IMHO, for the money, you just can't get a better deal on any other platform
at any price! Hope this doesn't discourage you from trying to go for the gold, good luck!
Virtually yours,
--- The LightWave 3D Mailing List ---
Articles to: LightWave@bobsbox.rent.com | The NEW Graphics BBS
Sub/Unsub to: LightWave-Request@bobsbox.rent.com | +1 908/469-0049
List Problems: LightWave-Admin@bobsbox.rent.com | 14.4K V.32bis Multi-line
I wanted to make an animation that looked like a ride through a tunnel. So I went to Layout, and made a path for the camera that went up, down, here, there,
everywhere. I saved the path. I went into modeller, made a disk, put it at 0,0,0 - the starting point for my camera's path - and path extruded with the saved
path. But the disc, when extruded along the path, did not align with the path,
resulting in a squashed tunnel wherever there was great movement other than
straight ahead. In the rail extrude function, you can align the extruded form
with the rail (curve) in the background, but there ain't no such button to
push for path extrude. Any suggestions on what do do?
Tim Tate
--- The LightWave 3D Mailing List ---
Articles to: LightWave@bobsbox.rent.com | The NEW Graphics BBS
Sub/Unsub to: LightWave-Request@bobsbox.rent.com | +1 908/469-0049
List Problems: LightWave-Admin@bobsbox.rent.com | 14.4K V.32bis Multi-line
Thanks for all the responses on spline modelling. They helped a lot. One
more question though, how would I go about making a simple head object with
splines? Forget details, just a nose, and some indentation where the eyes wouldbe. That would help a lot. Also, thanks for the response on my tunnel problem.
I'll try that, saving a curve for the path first, and extruding that, instead
of making the path first, and using path extrude. This list is great, Bob,
please try to keep it going. I couldn't even begin to think how noisy a
usenet group would be.
Tim Tate
--- The LightWave 3D Mailing List ---
Articles to: LightWave@bobsbox.rent.com | The NEW Graphics BBS
Sub/Unsub to: LightWave-Request@bobsbox.rent.com | +1 908/469-0049
List Problems: LightWave-Admin@bobsbox.rent.com | 14.4K V.32bis Multi-line
hi allen. i wrote you mail about a week and a half ago so if u just haven't
gotten around to answering then sorry for the repost.
i wanted to make a suggestion for lightwave and to ask a couple of questions/
Suggestion: how about making the image sequence offset an option in every
instance where sequences are allowed. I recently did a project where a
simulated film strip was called for. 3 cells would be visible and i wanted to
have the same sequence playing (obviously) but with a slightly noticeable
offset between cells. i.e. the first would have image x from the sequence, the
second would have x-2, and the third would be x-4. currently the only way to
do this is to create 3 separate sequences.
Here goes a flurry of questions in no particular order. Is it possible for me
to become a beta-tester? i've been working at Creative Equipment Inc (probably
one of the only C= distributors left; especially after yesterday's announce-
ment) for the past year. i've been doing graphics for local cable stations and
so forth during that time. now i've made enuff contacts that i'm ready to make
my break, hence friday was my last day at CEI. i know i don't exactly have a
recognizable name like Mark Thompson or any of the others, but i have commited
myself to making 3D graphics (Lightwave/Modeler) my future. this means that i
will be spending a very large part of my time working on these two fine
programs. i believe i can make valid and usefull commentary and suggestions as
well as timely and accurate bug reports.
Question 2: (important) as i'm sure you well know by now, Commodore filed
for liquidation (C= Bahamas which is the parent). this is what Alex Amor (owner
of CEI) told us yesterday. there are plans to try and salvage the computer.
CEI, NewTek, and Scala are but a few of the companies who have a stake in this.
Personally I'm an Amiga advocate, but as a sane person I realized a long time
ago that it would never become a mainstream computer and that I'd need to buy
a PC at some point. What's the point of all this? well Alex told us that the
rumors he had heard from NewTek were that we might be seeing a standalone
Lightwave very soon in an effort to charge the cash flow while things get
straightened out. This was soon to be followed by a port of Lightwave to the
PC, again giving a major shot int he arm to the cash flow. I am sort of in a
state of limbo. i have a 3000 with a toaster and a 2000 with a toaster, a
sunrize audio card, a tbc-IV / PAR, and a host of other goodies which i have
bought in anticipation of doing graphics full-time. My next investment was to bea biggie. i wanted to buy a raptor. my questions are these. is lightwave
really gonna show up on the PC soon? if so, i guess i should take advantage of
the reasonable prices on pentiums nowadays. what of the raptor? will the
screamernet software make it to light? and if i bought one AND lightwave were
ported to the PC would there be screamernet software for the PC? i.e. could
I control the raptor from there? i want to make sure that buying a raptor is
not necessarily akin to flushing 15k down the drain. i could REALLY use your
help/advice. i'm a 23 year old with not a whole lot of business savvy who is
trying to do all the right things to secure his future. BTW, i know this doesn't
carry much weight as a flickering set of pixels, but in all the time that i was
at CEI i did not disclose any of the inside info that i got to anyone. so I
assure you that such information would remain strictly between u and me. thanx
for the reply and i'm very sorry for taking up u're time with such a long
Angel Freire
Services Rendered
--- The LightWave 3D Mailing List ---
Articles to: LightWave@bobsbox.rent.com | The NEW Graphics BBS
Sub/Unsub to: LightWave-Request@bobsbox.rent.com | +1 908/469-0049
List Problems: LightWave-Admin@bobsbox.rent.com | 14.4K V.32bis Multi-line